MyFairShare – Individual Mobility Budgets as a Foundation for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction
About the project
MyFairShare combines and expands relevant knowledge, data and models to construct a scheme for fair distribution of individual mobility budgets and identifies effective policy strategies. The concept is tested in six different Living Labs varying by scale (community – municipal – (trans-)national) and scope (citizen level– transport management level – strategic development level). The resulting policy toolkits and guidelines support the introduction of socially acceptable mobility budgets on different governance levels, improving urban accessibility and transport equity.
Project information
Duration: 2021–2024
Funded within: JPI Urban Europe ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC)
Project partners
Dr. Alexandra Millonig,
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Precursor and sister projects of MyFairShare
MyFairShare is based on the results of the exploratory research project mobalance which investigated the principle of sufficiency in mobility in the form of a mobility budget. The MyFairShare project partner AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology is also working on the project CARBON DIET that investigates the application of mobility budgets in the setting of companies.
JPI Urban Europe
MyFairShare is a JPI Urban Europe project selected within the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) call. The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) aims at creating and testing new solutions and approaches for sustainable urban mobility. MyFairShare is one of 15 projects selected within the ENUAC call.
Funding agencies
MyFairShare is co-funded by five national funding agencies (Austria: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Climate Action, Environment Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Germany: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Latvia: Latvian Council of Science; Norway: The Research Council of Norway; United Kingdom: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the ERA-Net Cofund scheme of the Horizon 2020 program.